There are a lot of women that experience low energy; it is not uncommon. However, experiencing ongoing fatigue is not normal. Even if it is just a symptom, it should not be ignored. You could be experiencing vitamin d deficiency or even iron deficiency. Fatigue has many possible causes that are very real and not in your imagination. In this article, learn how to manage stress, avoid sleep issues, avoid thyroid issues, and manage your weight.

What is chronic fatigue syndrome?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a disorder where you feel very tired the majority of the time. Energy may remain low even after rest and worse after exertion. The condition can last for months or years and can be debilitating. CFS is also known as myalgia encephalomyelitis (ME), post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS), chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS), and chronic Epstein-Barr virus (CEBV). The cause of CFS is unknown, but many factors may play a role. These include infections, endocrine dysfunction, sleep disruption,  psychological stress, and an impaired immune system. Symptoms of CFS include feeling exhausted after exertion, poor concentration and memory, insomnia, muscle pain, and headaches.

5 Reasons Females Feel Tired.

1. Poor Sleep

Getting a proper amount of restful sleep each night is crucial to your body's restoring process, and poor sleep quality means your body is not restored the next day. When you experience restful, uninterrupted sleep, you achieve an essential release of growth hormones and are able to regenerate cells.

Additionally, with the correct amount of sleep, you experience NREM and REM, both vital states to experience when sleeping. They help your body recover and dream. Achieving deep stage 4 sleep is when your brain is able to cleanse itself via the glymphatic system.

Unfortunately, for some women getting a restful night of sleep can be troublesome. Sleep apnea or insomnia affects more people than we know, and they struggle to fall or stay  asleep. Sleep apnea is not exclusive to men with large necks. If you snore or you are told you snore, please reach out to your physician to discuss your options.

Sleep hygiene is also really important for getting solid rest. This includes turning off screens (phones, television, computers) at least an hour before bed. Avoid eating too late at night, as that can disrupt your body’s natural sleep rhythms. Try to decrease caffeine intake and stop it completely by lunch time.

If you are still experiencing low energy, we suggest you try drinking chamomile or lemon balm  tea before bed. These herbal teas can help release a sleep chemical in your brain, so you don't have to experience poor quality sleep. There are several more options you can discuss with your doctor.

2. Dietary Imbalances

It is a known fact that food affects the way you feel. If you change how you eat and incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet, you are taking in nutrients like minerals, vitamins, polyphenols and antioxidants. These provide your cells with fuel and improve your energy levels. Most adults don't feel like what they eat impacts them; however, studies have been conducted to prove otherwise. Diets high in processed foods means less room for higher nutrient-containing whole foods. Continue eating healthy foods and gain strength from your natural vitamins.

3. Nutrient Deficiencies/Red Blood Cells

It will be tiring if your body doesn't have the proper nutrients that it needs. The most common vitamin deficiencies are iron, riboflavin, vitamin b12, vitamin d, vitamin c, and magnesium, which are all directly linked to fatigue. Advocate with your physician to ensure you know your vitamin D status.

Additionally, if you lack the proper vitamins that your body needs, it will contribute to being tired. Even if you get the right amount of sleep every night, it won't matter because your body lacks the nutrients it needs.

It is also quite common for women to experience an iron deficiency, especially if they are pre-menopausal due to the ongoing menstrual cycles. If you experience fatigue during your period, keep in mind that eating an iron-rich diet and using cast iron cookware can help provide ready sources of iron.

4. Stress

It's normal for people to experience stress from time to time, but experiencing chronic stress can be linked to fatigue. You may want to take a look at events in your life to see if you can try to reduce stress by modifying those things happening in your life. For example, try to meal prep for your busy day the night before or at the beginning of your week. Then there is less to do on the busy day and you are also winning by providing your body good nutrition.

Now we know that is easier said than done; there are some situations where you genuinely cannot avoid them. So instead, take some time for yourself to decompress. For example, take a warm bath, meditate in a quiet space, or go for a walk in nature. Even taking a few moments of just simple breathing will provide a world of benefit in what seems like a very stressful time. These moments add up and can help make you more resilient over time.

5. Insufficient Hydration.

Another thing that can cause you to feel fatigued is a lack of hydration. Drinking energy drinks or coffee all the time isn't a helpful way to stay hydrated. Even with a hectic lifestyle, try to make time to stay hydrated. Carry a big water bottle or challenge yourself by keeping track on your smartphone. Adding electrolytes will help your body better absorb the water in addition to the minerals provided. You can add some drops of lemon, orange, or lime to help with flavor too. You can keep a big container in your refrigerator, infused with different fruits or cucumbers too. Since it can contribute to the fatigue that some women feel, aiming to fix this underlying health issue is essential.

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Key Takeaways on Low Energy.

One primary common symptom of low energy levels is a lack of nutrients. Your diet is one of the most important ways your body knows how to create energy from. If you consume a ton of processed food, your body will be significantly affected. Another symptom is your difficulty sleeping. Find out what is causing you not to get a restful night of sleep. Take the correct measures to fix the problem and let your body get the rest it deserves.

FAQs About Low Energy.

What causes low energy?

Many different factors can contribute to low energy levels in females. One of the most common is feeling tired. This can be caused by various things, including not getting enough sleep or not having a regular sleep schedule. Another common cause of low energy levels is stress. When stressed, our bodies go into "fight or flight" mode and release cortisol. Chronically, this can lead to feeling exhausted and drained. Lastly, certain medical conditions can also cause low energy levels.

Why am I so tired?

Several factors can contribute to low energy levels in females. One of the most common is an imbalance in hormones. This can be due to various reasons, such as stress, poor diet, or toxin exposure. Another possible cause of fatigue is an underactive thyroid gland. This gland controls the body's metabolism, so when it isn't functioning correctly, it can lead to feeling tired all the time.

Is it normal to feel tired all the time?

It is usually one of the most common health complaints to feel tired. The feeling of constant fatigue can be caused by various factors, including stress, poor sleep habits, and underlying medical conditions.

There are many things you can do to improve your energy levels. Getting regular exercise and adequate sleep are two of the most important things you can do to boost your energy levels. Eating a healthy diet and managing stress can also help increase your energy levels. If these are not helping, you should definitely talk with your physician.

What do I do if I feel tired all the time?

If you're always tired, there are a few things you can do to help increase your energy levels. First, make sure that you're getting enough sleep each night. It's recommended that adults get at least seven hours of sleep per night. If you're not getting enough sleep, your energy levels will naturally be low. Secondly, eat a nutritious diet and avoid sugary foods and drinks. Eating healthy foods will give your body the fuel it needs to function correctly. Finally, exercise regularly. Exercise increases blood flow and helps to improve your overall fitness level. If you can follow these tips, you should start to see an improvement in your energy levels.

What causes fatigue?

Many different factors can contribute to feeling tired or having low energy levels. Some of the most common culprits for women include hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, and stress.

Hormonal imbalances can have a significant impact on energy levels. Low thyroid hormone levels can also lead to fatigue and low energy levels. This may be due to an autoimmune condition like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Nutrient deficiencies are another common cause of low energy levels in women, and iron is one nutrient that's particularly important for energy production. If you're not getting enough iron from your diet, your cells won’t be able to carry enough oxygen that’s needed to make energy..

Stress can also take a toll on your energy levels. When you're feeling stressed, your body releases the hormone cortisol. If you are producing excess cortisol due to different stressors, this can lead to inflammation and decreased production of sex hormones like progesterone.Chronic stress can lead to long-term fatigue and low energy levels.