A functional medicine approach to Hashimoto's thyroiditis focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of the condition rather than just managing symptoms. Here are some key components of a functional medicine approach to Hashimoto's.

Taking a Functional Medicine Approach to Hashimoto’s.

Component of Functional Medicine.


Thyroid Panel.

Comprehensive thyroid panel that includes antibodies and reverse T3 (rT3)

Dietary Interventions.

Nutrient-dense diet, eliminating trigger foods

Gut Health Optimization.

Addressing gut imbalances, supplements to support gut microbiome 

Stress Management.

Mindfulness meditation, Yoga, Deep breathing exercises

Nutritional Supplementation.

Vitamin D, B vitamins, Selenium, Zinc, Omega-3 fatty acids, Adaptogenic herbs

Detoxification Support.

Dietary strategies, Supplements

Lifestyle Modifications.

Exercise, Adequate sleep, Maintain a healthy weight, Minimize exposure to environmental toxins

  1. Comprehensive Evaluation: Functional medicine providers conduct a thorough evaluation of the patient's medical history, lifestyle factors, and environmental exposures to identify potential triggers and underlying imbalances contributing to Hashimoto's.
  2. Thorough Thyroid Panel: In addition to standard thyroid function tests (TSH, T4, T3), functional medicine providers often order a more comprehensive thyroid panel that includes markers such as thyroid antibodies (TPO antibodies, TG antibodies) and reverse T3 (rT3) to assess autoimmune activity and thyroid hormone conversion.
  3. Dietary Interventions: Functional medicine emphasizes the importance of a nutrient-dense diet that supports thyroid health and reduces inflammation. This may involve eliminating potential trigger foods such as gluten, dairy, and soy, and focusing on whole, unprocessed foods rich in iodine, selenium, zinc, and other nutrients essential for thyroid function.
  4. Gut Health Optimization: Addressing gut imbalances such as dysbiosis, leaky gut, and intestinal permeability is a key focus in functional medicine for Hashimoto's. This may involve using probiotics, prebiotics, antimicrobial agents, and gut-healing nutrients to support a healthy gut microbiome and reduce systemic inflammation.
  5. Stress Management: Stress reduction techniques such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and stress management strategies are incorporated to help manage stress levels and support overall well-being.
  6. Nutritional Supplementation: Targeted supplementation with nutrients that support thyroid function and immune regulation, such as vitamin D, B vitamins, selenium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and adaptogenic herbs, may be recommended based on your needs and laboratory testing.
  7. Detoxification Support: Supporting the body's natural detoxification pathways may help reduce toxin overload and oxidative stress, which can contribute to thyroid dysfunction. This may involve dietary strategies, supplements, and lifestyle interventions to support liver detoxification and elimination of toxins.
  8. Lifestyle Modifications: Encouraging lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, maintaining a healthy weight, and minimizing exposure to environmental toxins are a part of the functional medicine approach to Hashimoto's.

Am I a Candidate?

Our team at Index prioritizes personalized, patient-centered care while considering your unique biochemistry, lifestyle factors, and preferences. By addressing the underlying factors contributing to your Hashimoto's and supporting your body's natural healing mechanisms, Index providers can offer a functional medicine approach to Hashimoto’s. For more information about working with our team, please contact us at hello@indexclinic.com.