Our simple and effective process.

How does Index Health work?

Discover and address the root cause of your health issues with virtual, flexible appointments. Our functional medicine experts will work with you for specialized lab testing, a unique and personalized treatment plan, and ongoing communication and support. Find out what a difference Index Health can make in getting you to the peak of health—all from the comfort of your couch!

Try 30 days for $249 or $99/mo with in-network insurance.

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aetna insurance functional medicine covered by insuranceBlue Cross Blue Shield logo

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How does Index Health work?

At Index Health, functional medicine specialists use advanced testing to determine the root cause of anything affecting your health. Getting to the root cause of any problems lets us help you optimize your health. How does Index Health work? By following these four simple steps:

How does Index Clinic work?

At Index Health, functional medicine specialists use advanced testing to determine the root cause of anything affecting your health. Getting to the root cause of any problems lets us help you optimize your health. How does Index Clinic work? By following these four simple steps:


Comprehensive analysis from a doctor.

Your first appointment is all about you. Our doctors listen carefully, understanding your health struggles & health goals to shape your treatment approach.

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Advanced diagnostics to find the root cause.

Experience the most advanced testing, collecting over 1,000 data points per test. Our analysis covers everything from nutrition, lifestyle, genetics, and more.

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Personalized treatment plan.

Based on lab results, health goals, and your pace. It includes nutrition, lifestyle, targeted supplements, and cutting-edge tools like CGMs and sleep monitors.

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Progress tracking and ongoing support.

Stay on track with your personalized plan through continuous appointments, unlimited messaging, and progress tracking. We're here for your health journey.

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Comprehensive first appointment.

Your first appointment is 60 minutes, during which our doctors listen to you and understand your health goals to determine the best treatment approach to fit your needs and lifestyle.

Your first physician appointment will examine your current symptoms, health history, lifestyle habits (diet, movement), medications or supplements, and more.

What you’ll discuss with your doctors.

Health history and current lifestyle.

  • Previous efforts of improving your health.
  • Short and long-term health goals.
  • Key lifestyle habits.some text
    • Diet, stress triggers, exercise, etc.

Current supplements
and medications.

  • What medications and supplements do you take?
    • Why?
    • How they have (or haven’t) helped?

Other factors impacting your health.

Often, you won’t know why you feel the way you do even if you’ve tried multiple treatment approaches.

We search for hidden causes: 

  • Living in an environment with mold toxicity.
  • Impaired gut function.
  • Hidden autoimmune response.
  • Other factors that our testing helps uncover.

Unlimited messaging and
continuous support.

Throughout your care with Index Health, you will receive unlimited messaging and continuous support for questions about your health or treatment plan.


Comprehensive first appointment.

Your first appointment is 60 minutes, during which our doctors listen to you and understand your health goals to determine the best treatment approach to fit your needs and lifestyle.

caucasian woman waving at laptop in video call


Your first physician appointment will examine your current symptoms, health history, lifestyle habits (diet, movement), medications or supplements, and more.

Health history & current lifestyle habits.
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With your doctor, you’ll discuss previous efforts of improving your health, short and long term health goals, and key lifestyle habits (diet, stress triggers, exercise habits) that may be triggering your problems.

Current supplements & medication.
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We’ll want to understand what medication and supplements you’re taking, and why. It’s important for us to also understand how it’s helped you make progress so far.

Other factors that may be impacting your health.
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Often times, our patients won’t know why they feel the way they do even if they’ve tried multiple treatment approaches.

We search for hidden causes: living in an environment with mold toxicity, an impaired gut, a hidden autoimmune response, or other factors that our testing helps uncover.

Unlimited messaging & continuous support.

Throughout your care with Index Health, you’ll receive unlimited messaging and continuous support for when you have questions about your health or treatment plan.


Root cause & advanced diagnostics.

Testing is at the core of what we do. We collect 1,000+ data points per test—more comprehensive than any yearly blood panel from anywhere else.

female scientist looking through microscope

Get your labs done.

After your first appointment, your doctor will tell you which lab testing they recommend you have done to help uncover the root cause of your health problems and how we can best treat it. This is testing like you've never experienced before.

We make lab testing easy by partnering with national labs like Quest and LabCorp.

What will we screen for.

Weight & Heart Health.
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Potential nutrient deficiencies. Sensitivities, intolerances, and allergies to foods. Lifestyle factors contribute to fat buildup or toxin intake (exercise, smoking, drinking). Chronic infections or exposures (occupational, environmental, etc.).

Autoimmunity & Hormone Health.
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Food triggers (sensitivities, intolerances, allergies), potential nutrient deficiencies, chronic infections or exposures (occupational, environmental, etc.), medications & supplements that may induce autoimmunity, and family history & genomics.

Gut Health.
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Poor digestion markers, abnormal microbiome or stool changes, leaky gut, food allergies/sensitives, medication/supplements that may induce autoimmunity, prior antibiotic or infection exposures, bowel inflammation or detox problems.

Undiagnosed & Other Issues.
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We know how frustrating it is to run from doctor to doctor, unable to get a clear diagnosis. Our physicians have extensive experience working with hard-to-diagnose diseases and use the most advanced lab tests available today. Our specialist testing approach aims to get to the root-cause of your condition.


Your 100% personalized plan.

Your plan is based on the findings from your individual lab results, incorporating your health goals and pace. It includes details for nutrition, lifestyle, targeted supplements, and cutting-edge tools like continuous glucose monitors and sleep monitors.

black woman and child cooking healthy food

What your personalized plan includes.

Nutrition & diet plan.
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Food is medicine, and it’s at the center of what we do. Your physician and nutritionist will create a food plan that’s made to target and relieve the root cause of your problems.

Lifestyle & movement plan.
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Movement and exercise help reduce inflammation, improve your immune system, and help prevent disease. We’ll work with you to create a movement plan that’s enjoyable for you.

Supplements & medication.
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Our goal is to get you off of both supplements & medication, and we’ll be working with you to de-prescribe both at a healthy pace.

Tools we may use.
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We may also recommend using wearables like a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) to understand how certain foods or events impact your blood sugar levels, sleep monitoring devices to see how you’re sleeping, blood pressure monitors to observe your heart health, as well as other devices to help us track your progress.


Ongoing support and communication.

Stay on top of your personalized plan and health goals with ongoing appointments, unlimited messaging, and progress tracking.

black woman smiling looking at laptop on her lap

Start feeling great with ongoing support.

The timeline for improvement will vary for each person. You may see a reduction in disease flares within 3-6 months when you properly follow your plan and address the root cause(s), triggers, and mediators of your condition.

Ongoing appointments.
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You will receive five (5), 60min appointments with your doctor, and 3 appointments (1.5hs in total) with your nutritionist, enabling you to constantly measure progress and stay on top of your health.

You will be able to choose your doctor and nutritionist.

Unlimited messaging.
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You can reach out to your care team to tweak your plan and get answers. Your care team should respond within 48 hours.

For any medical emergencies, please dial 911 and go to your nearest Emergency Room or Urgent Care.

Follow up lab tests & symptom questionnaires.
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In order to track measurable progress we recommend follow-up testing on important lab markers. The timeline on when we suggest taking these tests can vary patient to patient.

We'll also track how your symptoms are developing throughout your journey, helping us improve your personalized plan.

Prevention & long term planning.
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As your health results and symptoms improve, we’ll work with you to try and prevent disease and optimize your health in the years to come.

What our doctors screen for.

Weight and heart health.

  • Nutrition
  • Lifestyle factors that contribute to fat buildup or toxin intake (exercise, smoking, drinking)

Autoimmunity and hormone

  • Food triggers (sensitivities, intolerances, allergies)
  • Potential nutrient deficiencies
  • Chronic infections or exposures (occupational, environmental, etc.)
  • Medications & supplements that may induce autoimmunity
  • Family history
  • Genomics

Gut health. 

  • Poor digestion markers
  • Abnormal microbiome or stool changes
  • Leaky gut
  • Food allergies/sensitives
  • Prior antibiotic or infection exposures
  • Bowel inflammation or detox problems

Undiagnosed or other issues.

  • Our physicians have extensive experience working with hard-to-diagnose diseases
  • We use the most advanced lab tests available today

Your 100% personalized plan.

Your plan is based on the findings from your individual lab results, incorporating your health goals and pace. It includes details for nutrition, lifestyle, targeted supplements, and cutting-edge tools like continuous glucose monitors and sleep monitors.

black woman and child cooking healthy food

What your plan includes.

Nutrition and diet plan.

  • Food is medicine, and it’s at the center of what we do. 
  • Your physician and nutritionist will create a food plan that targets and relieves the root cause of your problems

Lifestyle and movement plan.

Movement and exercise help:

  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Improve your immune system.
  • Prevent disease. 

We’ll work with you to create a movement plan that’s enjoyable for you.

Supplements and medication.

  • Our goal is to get you off of both supplements & medication.
  • We’ll work with you to de-prescribe both at a healthy pace.

Additional tools.

We may also recommend using:

  • Continuous glucose monitors.
  • Sleep monitoring devices.
  • Blood pressure monitoring devices.

Ongoing support and communication.

Stay on top of your personalized plan and health goals with ongoing appointments, unlimited messaging, and progress tracking.

The timeline for improvement will vary for each person. You may see a reduction in disease flares within 3-6 months when you properly follow your plan and address the root cause(s), triggers, and mediators of your condition.

black woman smiling looking at laptop on her lap

What ongoing support includes.

Ongoing appointments.

  • Five 60-minute appointments with your doctor*
  • Three 30-minute appointments with your nutritionist*

*You can choose your doctor and nutritionist.

Unlimited messaging.

  • You can always reach out to your care team to answer questions or amend your plan.
  • Your care team should respond within 48 hours.

For any medical emergencies, please dial 911 and go to your nearest Emergency Room or Urgent Care.

Follow-up lab tests
and questionnaires. 

  • In order to track measurable progress we recommend follow-up testing on important lab markers. some text
    • The timeline will vary from patient to patient.
  • We'll also track your symptoms throughout your journey.
    • Tracking helps improve your personalized plan.

Prevention and long-term planning.

As your health results and symptoms improve, we’ll work with you to:

  • Prevent disease.
  • Optimize your health.

We consult with these lab companies.

Accepted insurances.


Am I A Candidate?

Clear costs. Great care.

Become an Index Health member today and get a long-term partner dedicated to preventing disease and getting you to optimal health.



Save $338+

With Insurance.

Currently, we do not accept insurance in CA & TX.
Save $289

You will be responsible for paying your copay, co-insurance, deductible, and other related payments agreed with your plan

aetna insurance functional medicine covered by insuranceBlue Cross Blue Shield logo

elevance health logo
What’s covered by insurance:
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Unlimited doctor visits (60 min).
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Unlimited nutritionist visits (60 min).
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Lab testing from LabCorp & Quest (typically).
What’s covered by the membership:
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Unlimited health coach visits.
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100% personalized treatment plan.
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Unlimited messaging.
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Access to advanced lab testing.
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Premium support.

Cancel anytime after the first 30 days.

Without Insurance.

hsa fsa
What’s included for 12 months:
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6 doctor visits (60 min each).
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3 nutritionist visits.
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Unlimited health coach visits.
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100% personalized treatment plan.
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Unlimited messaging.
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Access to advanced lab testing.
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Premium support.
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Use your HSA/FSA.

Cancel anytime after the first 30 days.

With Insurance.

Currently, we do not accept insurance in CA & TX.

You will be responsible for paying your copay, co-insurance, deductible, and other related payments agreed with your plan

Accepting following insurances:
aetna insurance functional medicine covered by insuranceBlue Cross Blue Shield logo

elevance health logo
What’s covered by insurance:
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Unlimited doctor visits (60 min).
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Unlimited nutritionist visits (60 min).
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Lab testing from LabCorp & Quest (typically).
What’s covered by the membership:
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Unlimited health coach visits.
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100% personalized treatment plan.
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Unlimited messaging.
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Access to advanced lab testing.
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Premium support.

Cancel anytime after the first 30 days.

Without Insurance.

For the first 30 days. Afterwards $299/mo.
hsa fsa
What’s included for 12 months:
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6 doctor visits (60 min each).
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3 nutritionist visits.
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Unlimited health coach visits.
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100% personalized treatment plan.
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Unlimited messaging.
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Access to advanced lab testing.
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Premium support.
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Use your HSA/FSA.

Cancel anytime after the first 30 days.

Friends & family discount

Give the gift of optimal health.

Are you interested in signing up with your significant other, or would you like to reap the benefits of Index Health with a friend? Talk to one of our friendly membership advisors and start your journey to optimal health today.

per month & person

(561) 556-2656
9:00am - 5:00pm from Monday to Thursday.
On Fridays, between 9:00am - 3:00pm.


Where is Index Health available?

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Currently, Index Health is available in Florida, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, California, Texas, and Virginia. Stay tuned for updates on new services across the USA.

Do I need to physically visit a lab?

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Yes. While Index Health operates primarily through telemedicine, certain advanced lab tests require physical sample collection. We provide home draw labs and home tests when possible.

What's included when I become a member?

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Our highly-rated health program includes 6 physician visits and 3 nutritionist visits. In addition to the above, Index Health patients receive the following:

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A personalized plan (nutrition, lifestyle, supplements, targeted medication if need be, and a plan to get off of medication).
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Access to advanced lab tests with advanced diagnostic capabilities.
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Unlimited messaging with your provider.
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Unlimited health coach visits.
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Discounted rates for supplements.
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Curated content for your health goals.

Can I choose my doctor/nutritionist?

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A personalized plan (nutrition, lifestyle, supplements, targeted medication if need be, and a plan to get off of medication).
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Access to advanced lab tests with advanced diagnostic capabilities.
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Unlimited messaging.
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Unlimited health coach visits.
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Discounted rates for supplements.
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Curated content for your health goals.

Does Index Health accept insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid?

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Index Health is an In-Network provider for Elevance (Anthem) in Virginia, as well as Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO plans and Aetna  in New York, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Virginia. For these plans, you can utilize your insurance benefits for medical appointments. Please note that we do not accept Medicare Advantage or Blue Supplemental Plans at this time.
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For other services, we accept Out-Of-Network insurance. During your free call with an Index Health Care Manager, you can inquire about your Out-Of-Network deductible and how it applies to our services.
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Lab work, which is a key part of the Index Health experience, is typically covered by your insurance and is not included in the Index Health membership fee. We collaborate with Labcorp and Quest, which are in-network labs, ensuring a smoother process for your lab service needs.

Don't just take our word for it.

Conditions we treat.

Ready to diagnose and treat the root cause of your symptoms?

Index Health offers online personalized functional medicine that gets to the root cause of your symptoms, conditions, or anything else holding you back.

How does Index Health work? We utilize advanced diagnostic lab testing paired with a thorough consultation with your doctor. From there, our specialists will develop a personalized treatment plan for you with ongoing support and communication. And the best part? All this happens without you needing to leave the house.