Health Writer

Gabie Lazareff

Podcasts Index Staff Listen To.

Educating ourselves and staying up to date with the latest in health and wellness research is an awesome way to empower ourselves to take actionable steps to improve our health. At Index, we’re always looking for the latest scoops and hot topics in the industry. There are a lot of podcasts out there related to health and wellness. This is our comprehensive list of the best (in our opinion) podcasts to stay up to date with the latest in health and wellness.

Genetics Load The Gun, Lifestyle Pulls The Trigger.

Being born with a genetic predisposition, like an increased risk of developing diabetes or an autoimmune disease, sucks. It makes our diet and lifestyle choices that much more important to take care of, because it’s diet and lifestyle that will determine whether or not that genetic predisposition becomes an issue for you…

What Is THE Best Diet? The Secret To Health.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was one copy and paste perfect diet plan for everyone?! Actually… no… I think that would be really boring and mundane. Sure, it might be easier for people to understand how to be physically healthy… but what about FUN?! What about Culture? Comfort? Social-Life? Family reunions? What about nostalgia? These are fundamental aspects of our society that often revolve around food.

The Future Of Health: Personalized Diets.

The health and wellness industry is brand new… like newborn baby new. We’re constantly learning things about how the body interacts with the food we eat, and the environment we’re eating it in. One thing that we’ve learned through observing our own mistakes is that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ when it comes to diet. And it’s not difficult to see why when we start to consider just how differently we are all built…