Meet Stacy Seslowsky.

Everything you
wanted to know.

Clinical Expertise.
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Functional Immunology.
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Cardiometabolic Health.
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Gastrointestinal Health.
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Brain Health/Cognitive Decline/Alzheimer's.
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Registered Dietitian.
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Licensed Nutrition/Dietitian.
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ReCODE 2.0 Certified.
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Masters in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine.
Training Institutions.
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University of Western States.
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New York Weill Cornell Medical Center.
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New York University.
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Binghamton University.
Why I practice at Index Health.
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I am grateful to be a part of a team of healthcare professionals who seek to find the root cause of imbalances, view each person as a unique individual, and prioritize the use of nutrition and lifestyle to help people become their healthiest selves.

Meet your doctors.

IFM trained Practitioner

Clinical Expertise.

  • Cardiometabolic Health
  • Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure
  • and more...
IFM trained Practitioner

Clinical Expertise.

  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Gastrointestinal Health
  • Allergies
  • and more...
Dr. Matthew D. Taylor
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Accepting Insurance

See Plans
IFM Certified Practitioner

Clinical Expertise.

  • Aging and Cellular Senescence
  • Family/Precision Medicine
  • Health Optimization
  • and more...

Ready to diagnose and treat the root cause?