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How Long Does Acid Reflux Take To Heal?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is common, and there is no clear treatment or reason for it. Some triggers can make acid reflux spring up; this includes spicy foods. However, if you are looking for ways to combat the symptoms, we will address that in a section of this article. Now let's dive into a better understanding of what acid reflux is.

Dysbiosis Symptoms: How To Improve Your Gut?

Gut microbes are beneficial bacteria that will help keep your gut happy. Healing gut dysbiosis is something else that will be addressed in this article. Learn what to do with your dysbiosis diagnosis and use probiotic bacteria to make diet and lifestyle changes. Now let's dive into the article and learn what gut dysbiosis is and what gut dysbiosis symptoms are.

What is GERD?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is also known as GERD. This occurs when stomach acid flows back through the esophagus, which connects the stomach and mouth. This is also known as acid reflux, which can irritate your esophagus. Some people only experience acid reflux from time to time. Someone can experience a mild case of GERD, which would only be once a week, or a mild case which would occur more than once a week. Generally, people can handle the symptoms that come with GERD, and make lifestyle changes that will reduce the symptoms. However, more severe cases cause people to be put on stronger medications.

Gut Health Hacks: Why Is Gut Health Important?

Gut health entails the functions of major organs working together to properly digest food and balance good bacteria within the gastrointestinal tract. The organs involved are the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. These major organs help digest food without discomfort. Unfortunately, digestive diseases are common, so discomfort within the gastrointestinal tract can happen. That is why it is beneficial to learn what gut health hacks can help prevent digestive diseases.

Top 3 ways to use nutrition to support a healthy gut.

In Functional Medicine, we talk about the gut often. As we take our view into the gut, the land of trillions of bacteria, we are looking at the landscape (gut lining) as well as “who” lives there (bacteria) and more importantly how they are fed (fermentation). A healthy gut has a beautiful balance of beneficial bacteria living in a vital landscape. The specific assessment of your gut guides us to getting to the root causes of most of the imbalances in your body. Nutritionally speaking, that means first looking at what we feed our bodies which ultimately impacts our gut bugs. You are in the driver’s seat when it comes to making choices to support your gut.

Is your gut health the key to improving your exercise routine, or vice versa?

What if improving your gut health could improve your physical performance and exercise capacity? For those who are already dealing with gut related issues, wouldn’t it be nice to have a simple solution that would actually improve how our gut functions? Well, the great news is that evidence has demonstrated that both of those things are possible.