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Heart Attack vs Stroke.

This article will discuss all you need about heart attacks and strokes. What they are, what you need to know, and how to prevent them. Both of these conditions are very serious; if you have experience with them, please seek a doctor. Now let's discuss what heart attacks and strokes are.

Does Sugar Raise Cholesterol?

The ultimate question for people with high cholesterol is, whether there is a connection between sugar and high cholesterol? There are a lot of factors that go into high cholesterol and ways to combat the side effects as well. Learning about dietary guidelines is one of them. Learn what cholesterol is and how to control it. Also, learn how sugar dictates your overall health. Now let's get into what cholesterol is.

What To Do with a Hypertension Diagnosis.

You don't want to leave a hypertension diagnosis left untreated. This is your time to change into healthy habits, and we can help! Contact index health to reverse disease using food and lifestyle changes.

Healthy Living: The Cardiometabolic Food Plan.

The cardiometabolic food plan effectively reduces and reverses most cardiometabolic conditions. Learn more about it here.

Heart Healthy Habits: Does Weight Affect Heart Health?

If you are struggling with being overweight, you know that more underlying health conditions may follow. Conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure and other heart health related problems can occur. Heart healthy habits can prevent and reverse some of these conditions.

Is The Cardiometabolic Food Plan Right For You?

There are various conditions to think of when you talk about heart health risk. Many people are familiar with diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal waist size, and abnormal cholesterol. In functional medicine, we use a different lens, focusing on the things that tie cardiovascular disease to metabolic disease. This includes things like inflammation, insulin resistance, and stress. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a food plan that addressed both cardiovascular risks, and metabolic disease risks?!?! That’s where the cardiometabolic food plan comes in. If you’re someone with an increased risk of developing heart disease due to current risk factors or genetics, you already know how important it is to live a lifestyle that manages and reduces that risk, rather than having a lifestyle and diet that perpetuates those risks. Because remember, while genes may load the gun, it’s diet and lifestyle that pull the trigger.

4 Simple Steps To Reduce Heart Disease Risk.

With heart disease being the number one killer globally, let’s look at some simple steps that you can take today to lower your risk of heart disease… even if you have a genetic predisposition!

Is There Such Thing As Good Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is probably nutritions most controversial molecule, often made out to be the bad guy in the modern medical world. While many people might be under the impression that cholesterol = bad, it is, in fact, an important molecule in the body that can work in our favor with the right diet and exercise routine.